Maciej Korzeniewski,塞浦路斯拉纳卡Pyla开发商
Maciej is available for hire
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Maciej Korzeniewski

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Mobile Developer

Pyla, Larnaca, Cyprus
Toptal Member Since
July 5, 2022

Maciej是一位经验丰富的移动开发人员,精通Flutter, iOS (Objective-C/Swift), and Android (Java/Kotlin) app development. 他擅长使用Bitrise/Codemagic为自动化构建设置CI/CD管道, testing, and deploying to app stores. Maciej精通Firebase产品,如Firestore、Crashlytics和Authentication. He also has experience in Node.js和TypeScript用于服务器端应用程序,并使用React进行web开发.



Preferred Environment

MacOS, Slack, Flutter, Firebase, TypeScript, Node.js

The most amazing...

...我所做的是领导和开发汉密尔顿-官方应用程序, available for both Android and iOS.

Work Experience

Native Swift/Kotlin Developer

2023 - 2023
Visible - Activity tracking for Long Covid and ME/CFS
  • 构建了一个高级功能,允许Visible应用程序用户使用Polar SDK从Polar设备收集与健康相关的数据.
  • 实现了将健康相关数据存储在加密的设备上数据库中.
  • 上传健康相关数据到后端执行.
  • 实现了运行在Google Cloud Run上的Python后端,处理上传的健康相关数据并基于它计算指标.
Technologies: Swift, Kotlin, Flutter

Flutter/Swift/Kotlin SDK Developer

2022 - 2023
beaconsmind AG
  • 为公司的SDK在iOS/Swift和Android/Kotlin上实现了Flutter/React Native/Ionic的绑定.
  • 开发了自动化部署多个原生iOS和Android应用的管道, 节省了公司大量的时间和繁琐的工作,因为它以前是手工完成的.
  • 设计了一个用户友好的流程来请求SDK(蓝牙)所需的权限, location, and notifications).
技术:Flutter, Dart, iOS, Android, React Native, Ionic, Swift

Tech Lead

2021 - 2022
Very Good Ventures
  • Led the re-architecture of the Hamilton Musical app.
  • 为Google I/O活动共同开发了一个名为Photobooth的开源网络项目. 它允许人们拍照、添加资产并在社交媒体上与朋友分享.
  • Co-created apps for Homethrive Inc. with incorporated video streaming using Twilio SDK.
  • 通过为应用程序提供100%的测试覆盖率,提高了测试技能.
  • 将应用部署到App Store和Google Play Store,采用分阶段或增量的方式.
Technologies: Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Mobile Development, Figma, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Dart, REST APIs

Mobile Developer

2020 - 2021
  • 为家庭预算援助应用的开发做出了贡献.
  • 使用Flutter开发具有细粒度UI的移动应用程序.
  • 设计了基于Firebase的离线优先架构.
  • 增加了与外部提供商(Google、Facebook和Apple)的身份验证.
  • 实现了一个基于Firebase动态链接的推荐系统.
  • 利用iap (Apple Pay和Google Pay)加入付费订阅计划.
Technologies: Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Mobile Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Dart, REST APIs

Mobile Developer

2016 - 2020
  • 在Kotlin中实现了Android的GPS跟踪模块.
  • 与React Native和Redux共同创建了Activity Challenges,这是一款活动GPS追踪器和游戏.
  • 在Xamarin和MvvmCross中开发了Shell Fleet Assistant车队管理应用程序.
  • Added real-time chat functionality with React Native, Redux, and Firebase Firestore for BeautyClick, a finding beauty specialist app.
技术:Flutter, Firebase, React Native, Xamarin, .NET Core, React, Redux, Mobile, Mobile Development, Figma, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Fitness, REST APIs

Hamilton Flutter Mobile App
As a tech lead, I led the comprehensive overhaul of the Hamilton app, 彻底改造其架构和用户界面,以增强用户体验和性能. 这涉及到实现一个多层响应式架构,利用缓存机制来最小化应用程序对Firestore读取的依赖. Leading a talented team of 3 to 6 mobile developers, 我确保了整个开发过程中的无缝协作. Rigorous testing was a top priority, 达到100%的测试覆盖率,保证应用程序的可靠性. To maintain code quality, 我建立了包含静态代码分析的GitHub管道, formatting checks, 在合并任何代码更改之前进行严格的测试. 我通过使用Codemagic设置自动存储部署管道来简化部署过程,并在启动更新时采用分阶段推出策略. Post-release, I diligently maintained the app, 解决低级本机和内存相关问题,以确保平稳和稳定的用户体验.

你可以在Google Play上找到这款应用: and on the App Store here:

Flutter/Swift/Kotlin SDK Development

As a developer, I was in charge of implementing Flutter SDK in Dart, Swift, 和Kotlin的客户端原生SDK相关的信标扫描. 我还参与修复原生SDK本身的漏洞. 我在Flutter中创建了一个演示应用程序,展示了SDK的功能.


Home Budget Assistance App
作为一名移动开发人员,我使用Flutter创建了一个具有精美用户界面的移动应用程序. 我设计了一个基于Firebase的离线优先架构. 我添加了与外部提供商(如Google、Facebook和Apple)的身份验证. 我使用Firebase Dynamic Links实现了一个推荐系统. 我加入了一个使用iap的付费订阅程序(Apple Pay和Google Pay)。.

我成功地在Visible应用程序中实现了一个高级功能, 使用户能够通过集成Polar SDK无缝地从Polar设备收集与健康相关的数据. Furthermore, 我确保将这些敏感信息安全存储在加密的设备上数据库中, prioritizing user data privacy and security. To facilitate data analysis and insights, I also implemented a robust data pipeline, 允许应用程序有效地将健康相关数据上传到我们的后端基础设施. This backend, 由运行在Google Cloud Run上的Python应用程序提供支持, processes the incoming data, computes relevant health metrics, 并根据用户的个人健康数据为其提供有价值的见解.


Dart, TypeScript, Swift, Kotlin, Python


Flutter, Redux, React Native, .NET Core, Ionic


REST APIs, Node.js, React


Mobile Development, Testing


Firebase, Mobile, Xamarin, iOS, Android


Deployment, Crash Reporting, Crash Fixing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Automated UI Testing, Code Coverage, Fitness, Data Structures, Networking




Cloud Firestore

2020 - 2020

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Technical University of Denmark - Denmark

2015 - 2019

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science

Warsaw University of Technology - Warsaw, Poland