Nemanja Veskovic,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的开发者
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Nemanja Veskovic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Quality Assurance Developer

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
January 6, 2017

Nemanja是一位充满激情的QA工程师,拥有超过14年与各种QA团队合作的经验,并从事复杂的功能和性能测试(手动和自动化)。, 从头开始创建完整的持续集成设置,并确保从设计到部署的所有软件开发阶段都实现了QA. Nemanja还拥有6年的QA团队领导经验, 包括面试和雇佣新的团队成员.


Pywinauto, GitLab, Windows PowerShell, Python, QA自动化,UI测试...
Sauce Labs, Appium, Pytest, Python, QA自动化,UI测试,Windows...
Python,超级账本,区块链,Java, QA自动化,API测试,Java 7...




Preferred Environment

API测试,Apache JMeter, Jira, Jenkins, Git, Python, Java, WebDriver

The most amazing...


Work Experience

QA Automation Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • 设置GitLab运行器,并创建一个GitLab管道,用于使用内部测试运行器运行现有的自动化测试, PowerShell, and Node.js.
  • 通过遵循开发生命周期的当前工作流程测试和验证修复. 在被测应用程序的多个版本上进行验证,并详细记录被测内容.
  • 使用Pywinauto和Pytest为测试自动化框架创建POC,用于测试被测应用程序的本地化. 介绍了一些可以从i18n的角度进行测试的新想法.
Technologies: Pywinauto, GitLab, Windows PowerShell, Python, QA自动化,UI测试, Windows, Scrum, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, TestRail, Test Automation, C#, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, Integration, Bash, GitHub, UX Testing, Test Cases, Software QA, E2E Testing, Regular Expressions, APIs, Bash Script, GitLab CI/CD, Single Sign-on (SSO), Shell, TestStack.White, C#.NET,英语,QA测试,冒烟测试,网站测试,敏捷,自动化测试,CI/CD管道

QA Automation Engineer

2019 - 2019
  • 使用Appium、Sauce Labs和Python自动化一组手动测试用例.
  • 维护现有的自动化测试脚本, 根据新的测试流更新脚本,并使脚本对随机或定时失败更具弹性.
  • 评估哪些测试用例可能在将来被自动化,并为它们分配优先级.
Technologies: Sauce Labs, Appium, Pytest, Python, QA自动化,UI测试,Windows, Android Testing, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, TestRail, Test Automation, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Automation, Integration, Bash, GitHub, Android, UX Testing, Test Cases, Software QA, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, APIs, Mobile Device QA Automation, Waterfall Development, Kanban, Shell, English, QA Testing, Smoke Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing

Senior Principal QA

2018 - 2019
  • 添加和更新了用Rust编写的各种单元测试.
  • 使用Java进行自动化集成测试,并测试了四个底层组件.
  • 自动化团队开发的组件的寿命浸泡测试.
  • 在Rust中为几个系统用例创建性能测试.
Technologies: Python,超级账本,区块链,Java, QA自动化,API测试,Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), QA Leadership, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Apache Maven, Test Automation, JSON, REST APIs, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, Integration, Bash, Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, UX Testing, Test Cases, Software QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Load Testing, Bash Script, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Website Testing, Integration Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines

Senior QA Engineer

2017 - 2019
NDA - Healthcare Benefits Management
  • 通过冲刺周期手动测试特性/功能更改. 进行跨浏览器、跨操作系统测试. 管理缺陷,包括创建和优先级.
  • 使用RoR修复了较小的缺陷,这比归档缺陷更有效.
  • 使用WebDriver对UI操作进行自动化测试, 用于MailCatcher API的HTTP客户端, 以及使用Heroku api的Heroku实例的操作自动化.
Technologies: WebDriver, MacOS, Linux, Sidekiq, MailCatcher, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), UI Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Ubuntu, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, TestRail, Test Automation, CSS, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, JavaScript, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, eCommerce, Booking Systems, Integration, Bash, GitHub, UX Testing, Ruby, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Bash Script, Model View Controller (MVC), Kanban, IntelliJ, Single Sign-on (SSO), Interviews, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Integration Testing, Agile

QA Lead

2017 - 2018
Carnegie Technologies Belgrade
  • 为公司现有项目和QA团队引入QA流程. 建立测试计划和测试用例管理工具,并将它们与Jira和Jenkins集成. Defined regular testing cycles.
  • 指导其他QA工程师传授知识和经验,并跟踪日常和每周任务的进度.
  • 使用Java创建功能测试自动化框架, TestNg, WebDriver用于UI, Python/Pytest/requests用于API测试.
  • 使用JMeter为各种API服务器创建性能测试场景.
  • 面试了超过15个QA和DevOps团队的候选人, 领导招聘这些职位的技术决策.
Technologies: Linux, Jenkins, XCTest, Espresso, Apache JMeter, Python, Java, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Scrum, Ubuntu, JUnit, Android Testing, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Performance Testing, QA Leadership, Team Leadership, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Apache Maven, TestRail, Test Automation, Selenium, CSS, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, JavaScript, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, eCommerce, Booking Systems, Integration, Bash, GitHub, Android, iOS, UX Testing, Jira REST API, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Mobile Device QA Automation, Load Testing, Bash Script, Stress Testing, Model View Controller (MVC), Load Balancers, Single Sign-on (SSO), Gatling Load Testing, Interviews, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines

Senior QA Engineer

2017 - 2017
NDA -社交网站的内容创建和管理
  • 处理web应用程序的手动功能和探索测试.
  • 为回归测试编写了一个完整的测试用例列表,并说明哪些测试用例需要自动化,以何种顺序进行自动化.
  • 在sprint期间测试特性,报告缺陷并对缺陷列表进行优先级排序.
  • 使用一组Atlassian工具(主要是Bamboo)部署到测试/登台环境.
  • 提供了web应用程序的手动跨浏览器回归测试.
Technologies: Bamboo, SQL, HTML, PHP, UI Testing, Windows, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, UX Testing, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Regular Expressions, Waterfall Development, English, QA Testing, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing

QA Consultant and Test Lead

2016 - 2017
  • 通过为基于WebDriver和Genie的现有测试自动化框架引入最佳实践和新的指导思想,重新建立了团队对测试自动化的关注.
  • 创建了一个基于Jenkins作业的测试框架(远离一些Perl脚本运行器),使用Perforce和Git作为(测试)源代码管理.
  • 通过提供QA专业知识和对团队规模和所需工作时间的估计,支持客户的提案请求.
  • 通过组织关于Jenkins的知识转移会议指导团队成员, TestNG, SSH, Git, Java, Linux, etc. 为团队提出新的解决方案和工具,并预先实现一些想法,以提高团队的效率.
  • 每天与地理上分布的团队进行沟通,这些团队与贝尔格莱德的团队从事相同的测试项目.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, REST Assured, Git, Atlassian Suite, Java, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Scrum, Ubuntu, JUnit, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), QA Leadership, Team Leadership, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Apache Maven, Test Automation, Selenium, CSS, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, JavaScript, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, Booking Systems, Integration, Bash, GitHub, Android, UX Testing, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, APIs, Bash Script, Model View Controller (MVC), IntelliJ, Load Balancers, Single Sign-on (SSO), Adobe, Interviews, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing

QA Team Lead

2015 - 2016
  • 承担QA团队的领导角色,团队成员分布在Scrum团队中. 确保所有QA工程师在测试覆盖方面保持一致, automation coverage, and test result reporting.
  • 创建了一个初始的测试自动化框架,用于端到端测试和带有各种端点的集成测试, 从HTTP/SMPP服务器和客户端到移动电话.
  • 接管发布工程师的角色,直到新的发布工程师被聘用. 维护现有的构建和部署Jenkins任务,并为特定的PHP web应用程序项目需求创建新的任务.
  • 通过创建招聘广告,领导招聘新的QA和发布工程师的过程, reviewing resumes, filtering candidates, hosting and conducting interviews, and deciding on new hires. 从整体上改进了面试流程.
Technologies: Apache JMeter, Python, PHP, WebDriver, Jenkins, Java, TestRail, Jira, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Scrum, Ubuntu, JUnit, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Performance Testing, QA Leadership, Team Leadership, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Apache Maven, Test Automation, Selenium, CSS, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, JavaScript, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, eCommerce, Booking Systems, Integration, Bash, Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, UX Testing, Jira REST API, MongoDB, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Load Testing, Eclipse IDE, Bash Script, Stress Testing, RabbitMQ, Model View Controller (MVC), Kanban, IntelliJ, Load Balancers, Single Sign-on (SSO), Interviews, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Integration Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines

QA Automation Engineer

2013 - 2015
  • 在Scrum团队中建立关于测试计划的QA流程, test cases, testing during sprints, 并为项目需要启动测试自动化框架.
  • 构建了一个基于WebDriver的功能测试自动化框架,用于web应用程序的自动化测试, 用Python编写的REST API服务, 以及具有HTTP和SMPP接口的服务应用程序. 包括三个应用程序的集成测试.
  • 为REST API服务创建了一个自动化的性能(负载)测试框架. 编写了一个定制的JMeter采样器(基于cloudhopper Java库),用于负载测试SMPP服务器.
  • 对RabbitMQ和Elasticsearch进行探索性测试,以验证它们是否足够好和可靠,可以作为某些产品和服务的一部分使用. 测试包括功能测试和性能测试.
Technologies: SMPP, HTTP, Shell, RPM, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache JMeter, Jenkins, Behave, TestNG, WebDriver, C++, Python, Java, CentOS, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Ubuntu, JUnit, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Performance Testing, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Apache Maven, TestRail, Test Automation, Selenium, CSS, UI Automation, JSON, REST APIs, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, Integration, Bash, Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, UX Testing, Jira REST API, MongoDB, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Load Testing, Eclipse IDE, Apache Ant, Bash Script, Stress Testing, Model View Controller (MVC), Kanban, Load Balancers, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Website Testing, Integration Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines


2011 - 2013
  • 克服了由7名测试自动化工程师组成的框架和缺陷管理团队中的障碍.
  • 在线协作软件的自动化测试有两种设置:现场和云中. 探索团队可以用于不同测试需求的工具, 从部署VMware虚拟机到使用自定义控件自动化桌面应用程序.
  • 在经验不足的同事和实习生的指导下,充当配角. 经常与自动化团队以外的项目相关方沟通.
  • 在技术面试中帮助团队面试新候选人.
Technologies: AutoIt, SSH, VMware, TestNG, Jenkins, WebDriver, Java, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, User Interviews, Windows, Ubuntu, JUnit, Android Testing, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Performance Testing, QA Leadership, Team Leadership, Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Test Automation, Selenium, CSS, UI Automation, REST APIs, Unit Testing, QA Test Plan Management, Strategy, Automation, Bash, GitHub, Android, iOS, UX Testing, VoIP, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, Confluence, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, Mobile Device QA Automation, 思科统一通信管理套件, Load Testing, Waterfall Development, Eclipse IDE, Apache Ant, Bash Script, Stress Testing, MS Exchange, Load Balancers, Interviews, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Mobile App Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines

Test Automation Engineer

2007 - 2011
  • 为桌面Java、web和Android/iOS应用创建了一个测试框架. 创建了一种自动发布结果和报告的方式,供更高级别的管理人员访问.
  • 将许多现有桌面应用程序测试脚本集成到移动应用程序测试框架中.
  • 为内部构建的应用程序创建性能测试计划和场景,并使用JMeter和内部负载测试工具创建负载测试示例.
  • 为美国一家知名公司编写并执行视频和音频协作web应用程序的功能测试计划.
  • 每天与分布在各地的团队进行沟通,并为其中一个位于中国的团队的新成员提供培训.
Technologies: M-eux Test, Silk Test, Meux, Tcl, Rally, WebDriver, TestNG, Java, QA Automation, UI Testing, API Testing, Windows, JUnit, SQL, Java 7, Manual QA, Quality Assurance (QA), Testing, Manual Testing, Manual Software Testing, Test Automation, Selenium, UI Automation, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Automation, Bash, GitHub, UX Testing, VoIP, Test Cases, Software QA, Website QA, HTTP, HTTPS, E2E Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Regular Expressions, Performance Analysis, APIs, 思科统一通信管理套件, Load Testing, Waterfall Development, Eclipse IDE, Apache Ant, Bash Script, Stress Testing, MS Exchange, Load Balancers, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Adobe, Shell, English, QA Testing, Postman, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Agile, Automated Testing

ABA联赛幻想- Web UI测试自动化

• TestNG as a test (suite) runner
• Java as a test script language

REST API Testing
一个测试项目,但一个很好的例子,如何REST API测试可以自动化使用:

• TestNG as a test (suite) runner
•REST保证库作为HTTP REST测试的自动化工具
• Java as a test script language Assistant
一个在线篮球管理游戏的辅助工具.buzzerbeater.Com),允许用户自动执行一些游戏动作, 比如从拍卖中购买新球员, 向其他用户发送批量消息, and scouting player skills.

使用的工具:Java (Swing), WebDriver, PhantomJS Headless Driver

The tool is now open-sourced; the code is located on GitHub: -在那里它可以被润色. - Private Lessons

一个为教师提供各个领域的免费和付费私人课程的网站, like math, languages, chemistry, etc.,以及需要额外课程的学生.



Java, GraphQL, Python, CSS, c#, Bash, Bash Script, SQL, HTML, Java 7, c#.. NET, PHP, AutoIt, c++, Tcl, Ruby, JavaScript


TestNG, JUnit, Selenium, Windows PowerShell, Appium, XCTest, TestStack.White, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Swing


Selenium WebDriver, WebDriver, REST API, Sidekiq, Pywinauto, Jira REST API, Ruby Page Object


REST Assured, Jenkins, Confluence, Jira, Apache JMeter, TestRail, Postman, Git, Rally, Silk Test, Shell, Atlassian Suite, Pytest, Apache Maven, 思科统一通信管理套件, Apache Ant, Behave, MS Exchange, SPSS, RabbitMQ, Eclipse IDE, GitHub, IntelliJ, GitLab CI/CD, GitLab, VMware, Adobe, RPM, Bamboo, Gatling Load Testing


E2E Testing, Testing, Scrum, Manual Testing, Test Automation, Automation, Agile, Automated Testing, Kanban, Stress Testing, Model View Controller (MVC), Waterfall Development, Load Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Unit Testing


Ubuntu, Windows, MacOS, Heroku, iOS, CentOS, Android, Linux, Blockchain, Hyperledger, NetBeans


JSON, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, MongoDB


Interviews, Test Cases, User Interviews, QA Test Plan Management, Manual QA, Software QA, Website QA, UI Testing, API Testing, Quality Control (QC), Scrum Master, HTTP, HTTPS, QA Automation, QA Leadership, Quality Assurance (QA), Team Leadership, Code Review, Performance Testing, Manual Software Testing, UI Automation, eCommerce, Integration, QA Testing, Strategy, Smoke Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Website Testing, Mobile App Testing, CI/CD Pipelines, M-eux Test, MailCatcher, Mobile Device QA Automation, Performance Analysis, SMPP, Regular Expressions, APIs, Android Testing, English, Booking Systems, Learning, Integration Testing, SSH, Meux, Espresso, Sauce Labs, UX Testing, Load Balancers, Security Testing, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Single Sign-on (SSO), VoIP, Mathematics, Programming, School

Industry Expertise


1998 - 2020


Faculty of Mathematics - Belgrade


Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)

Scrum Alliance



Cisco Systems


英语水平- Berlitz 5级| CEF B1级.1.

Berlitz Serbia