Richard Kolkovich, Developer in Denver, CO, United States
Richard is available for hire
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Richard Kolkovich

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Denver, CO, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 10, 2015

Richard has run the gamut from technical support to co-founder. Over his career, Richard积累了深厚的技术理解以及对建立和发展成功企业的其他必要要素的广泛理解. 他丰富的经验和技术专长使他非常适合用技术解决业务问题.


Docker, VMware, REST, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, REST APIs...
Apache Maven, AngularJS, Guice, PostgreSQL, jdbc, REST, JAX-RS, Java, REST api
Cloud Elements
PostgreSQL, JAXB, Spring, REST, Java, REST APIs




Preferred Environment

Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Vim Text Editor, FreeBSD, Linux, OS X

The most amazing... I've built is a real-time, 在旧浏览器和糟糕的网络上提供高协作应用的容错框架.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2016 - PRESENT
  • 在新公司的指导下,继续开发Vertiscale WaaS(工作空间即服务)产品.
  • Designed a highly scalable, event-driven workflow engine for performing asynchronous, long-running provisioning tasks.
  • 分析产品目录,发现重叠部分,通过汇集和共享开发资源来提高效率和质量.
Technologies: Docker, VMware, REST, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Terraform, Auth0, Helm, CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
  • 为数据模型、错误、同步服务和异步服务建模设计了一个模式.
  • 创建了一个代码生成工具来利用前面提到的模式来生成模型, interfaces, and security interceptors.
  • 为安全的混合云应用程序定义了复杂的交互结构.
  • 为异步消息传递、数据库交互和安全性设计了可重用组件.
  • Designed the architecture for a multi-project, multi-module environment.
  • 协助推动产品从构思到测试,使公司被Neverfail收购.
技术:Apache Maven, AngularJS, Guice, PostgreSQL, jdbc, REST, JAX-RS, Java, REST api

Principal Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
Cloud Elements
  • 为咨询项目的范围提供技术专长和支持.
  • 开发整合Cloud Elements平台和SaaS产品的咨询解决方案.
  • Managed and mentored a team of junior developers.
  • 设计了一个工作流引擎,以满足即时咨询客户的需求,并作为未来的平台功能提供.
  • 创建了一个RESTful API定义和项目结构,允许可插拔实现和严格的版本控制.
Technologies: PostgreSQL, JAXB, Spring, REST, Java, REST APIs


2012 - 2014
  • Participated in an incubator with emphasis on Lean Startup methodology, vetting and refining the nuvos business model.
  • Co-designed and implemented a GUI toolkit allowing true write-once, run anywhere Java code through abstraction of drawing and event handling. Target platforms include desktop applications (AWT, SWT, JOGL), modern browsers (HTML5 Canvas via GWT), outdated browsers (FlashCanvas, JNLP, or Java Applets), and Android native.
  • 构建了一组与设备无关的api,用于访问诸如Contacts之类的设备特性, GPS, and Accelerometer.
  • 设计了一个SaaS产品,为各种目标设备(HTML5)创建可执行文件, Android, iOS) from a single Java codebase.
  • Built an SDK focused on ease of use by developers including simple, asynchronous APIs and code generation.
  • 设计并构建了一个异步NoSQL对象数据库,支持抽象存储,允许可插拔存储系统.
技术:PhoneGap, Java 2D, JavaFX, Android, iOS, HTML5, GWT, Java, NoSQL

Senior Software Architect

2008 - 2012
  • 从头开始设计并构建一个应用程序,支持高度协作的工作流.
  • 开发和维护了一个事件驱动和弹性部分的库,包括网络库和数据库.
  • 设计了一个浏览器内存储机制,以促进在不支持现代浏览器存储技术的浏览器中具有完全脱机支持的胖客户端应用程序.
  • 开发自定义GWT组件,在构建感觉像桌面应用程序的web应用程序时提供速度和灵活性.
  • 管理一个由初级开发人员组成的团队,在高度专业化的软件堆栈中提供指导和培训.
Technologies: GWT, Java

Senior Software Developer

2006 - 2008
IntraMeta Corporation
  • 用于使用Java构建高度可伸缩的基于internet的应用程序的体系结构和实现的服务器体系结构. Solutions include a versioned and concurrently-accessible database, 一种网络通信框架,能够确保在不可靠的网络上有序地传递消息, 发布-订阅框架将过滤后的结果近乎实时地分发给数千个客户端.
  • 设计并构建相应的客户端架构,使用Google web Toolkit在web浏览器中交付高协作和实时的应用程序. 解决方案包括一个客户端数据库,旨在允许完全脱机使用应用程序,并在重新连接时提供聚合,以及一个修改后的MVC框架,允许任何Java UI实现,而无需复制业务逻辑.
  • Assisted in design, implementation, and maintenance of Nuvos, a software library designed to be simple, scalable, event-driven, and programmer-friendly. 实现的模块包括具有可插入后端的异步数据库体系结构, event-driven TCP and UDP channel socket services, 一个内核框架,用于并行和有序地执行具有细粒度锁定的任务, code generation utilities with both XML (used via Ant) and Java bindings, 以及使用上述通道服务的DNS和HTTP客户机和服务器.
  • 参与起草了一个简单而强大的基于web的API框架的规范,将XML端点定义转换为Java接口和bean. Implemented server translating inputs such as JSON, XML, 并将web表单转换为Java对象(带验证),传递给端点的Java或JavaScript(通过Rhino)实现.
  • 用包含逻辑分支和循环的xml定义的工作流构建工作流管理框架, resilient error handling (for external dependencies), 并利用可插入的任务处理程序,包括编译(Java)处理程序, JavaScript handlers (via Rhino), and human handlers (i.e. mechanical turk).
  • Orchestrated several release cycles of hosted applications. Responsibilities included organizing regression testing, managing build and deploy scripts, and managing actual deployment to servers.
Technologies: DNS, HTTP, DHCP, HTML, MySQL, Java

At it’s simplest, ThinkTank™ is used in workshops as a powerful crowdsourcing, crowd-computing, and group decision support platform that wows participants. 该产品显著加速并提高了成果,同时为参与者创造了深刻的集体体验.

py-trello is an open-source python library for accessing Trello. I originally wrote it to serve a need building another project, and I now maintain and improve it to allow others to utilize it.


我在Twilio和Trello之间建立了一个集成,最终赢得了Twilio举办的开发者竞赛. 我最近关闭了它,因为IFTTT现在有一个更好的集成版本.


Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, HTML, Python, CSS


Node.js, REST API, JAX-RS, JAXB, JDBC, Android API, HTML5 Canvas, JDBC, Java 2D


Vim Text Editor, Apache Ant, Apache Maven, IntelliJ IDEA, Java Concurrency, Javadoc, Subversion (SVN), Terraform, Auth0, Git, VMware, Gradle, Helm


Agile Software Development, Object-oriented Design (OOD), REST, Concurrent Programming, Test-driven Development (TDD)


FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, OS X, iOS, Docker, Bluetooth LE, Android, JavaFX, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2


Software Development, CI/CD Pipelines, DHCP, HTTP, DNS


Ionic, Guice, GWT, AngularJS, Spring, PhoneGap


NoSQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, Memcached

2003 - 2006

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Southern Polytechnic State University - Marietta, GA

2001 - 2002

Unfinished Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science

Middle Georgia College - Cochran, GA